Most Popular Types Of Cybercriminals

Types of cybercriminals: carding, hacking, spamming, phishing.

Cybercriminal - is a criminal activity in any manifestation, performed using a computer and the Internet. The target of some criminals is the direct destruction of computer equipment, and the other is important to crack the protection of an online resource, the third is to violate a person's privacy to obtain benefits. In practice, crimes are often mixed.

Consider the most common ways to break the law through the Internet.

Carding - a type of card fraud. The offender makes payment for purchases on the Internet using someone else's card, without the knowledge of its owner. At the same time, to get the details of someone else's bank card, you must first hack into the database of some online store, an online payment service (payment system), or directly aimed at the victim's computer.

Information can be read from the card holder's computer either directly next to it or through a launched Trojan or remote access program with the 'form grabber' function.

Carding does not require a physical card to complete the theft. It is enough to have a plastic card number, its validity period, and CVV code, name of the owner. This information can be obtained as described above, or you can involve service personnel in the accomplices who have access to customer cards (for example, cashiers at supermarkets, waiters, security - by watching video cameras).

Fraudulent operations are possible until the cardholder notices an unauthorized charge-off and blocks the card.

Security measures

Some banks provide geolocation of operations performed as protection. So, if payment proceeded by card in another country, the bank may not miss it or even block the card for the period of clarification.

SMS, and push notifications help to find out about fraud. After the first withdrawal of funds, it is possible to block the card and prevent the spending of all finances.

The 3D-Secure functions installed in payment systems that require additional confirmation of the operation through a separate communication channel are also a measure of data protection.


A type of cyber fraud in which, to obtain the details of a bank card, the offender makes an e-mail newsletter on behalf of an authoritative resource (a well-known online store, bank or government organization). To copy financial information, you need to click on the link provided in the e-mail.


Spamming – a process of sending a large number of advertising messages to users without their consent. Newsletters can be sent by mail, SMS & messengers. If the recipient did not give consent, then spamming is illegal.


It is hacking of software on the user's computer to change the program code. Used to change software functions, which is not provided by the manufacturer. It is often committed for criminal purposes or fun. You can harm both a large company and any person in the world. The hacker looks for weaknesses in the PC security system, so do not neglect antivirus and anti-spyware programs. OS updates also contain new data protection measures.


There are many other types of Cybercrimes. Knowing all these kinds of fraud, worth paying more attention to security measures associated with the use of software and online operations. It is easier to prevent getting into an unpleasant situation than to disentangle its consequences.

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